This Sunday (April 21, 2024)

This Sunday (April 21, 2024), The Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson will be preaching on the sensitive topic of abuse from Psalm 82.

Last Sunday (April 14, 2024)

This past Sunday (April 14, 2024), The Rev. Dr. John Frederick shared with us on Jesus’ resurrection from Luke 24:36-49.

Sermon transcript and discussion questions

WINTER SERMON SERIES - He Who Wrestles with God: A Study of the Life of Jacob

Our sermon series on the life of Jacob has concluded but you can review the sermons and download the transcripts on our sermon series page.

Sermon Series Page


Thank You for Your Generosity!

Thank you for your generosity! If you haven’t submitted your pledge yet, please do. You can use a pledge card and mail it in or drop it in the offering plate. Ask an usher at one of our services or call our office (571-282-0100) if you need a pledge card. You can also submit your pledge online at tfcanglican.org/pledge. Please prayerfully consider what is best for you and your family.

If you would like to make a gift to TFCA (to go towards the church’s operating budget or towards debt reduction on our church property), you may do so at tfcanglican.org/give. If you are contributing donated stock, to ensure our finance team knows whose giving record to update, please complete the Donated Stock Form here and return to finance@tfcanglican.org or Stephanie Minor, Director of Operations, at sminor@tfcanglican.org.


We recently received the Investigation Report which can be found at the link below. We will need some time to process the report and take the necessary steps for contrition, lament, and the beginning of healing. 

To that end, Sam’s next two sermons (for the remainder of the month) will be focused on a Biblical response to abuse. Sam will be careful with his language, but these sermons will deal with the sensitive topic of abuse. 

We will also have opportunities to come together as a church family in the Sanctuary including:  

All gatherings will be held in the Sanctuary and will not be live-streamed. There is no childcare available. Please send questions or comments to specialcommittee@tfcanglican.org.


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Sunday, APRIL 14, 2024

the Rev. Dr. John Frederck