Date: March 12 - April 9, Wednesdays Time: 7pm - 8:15pm Location: The Back 40 (3rd Floor 6565 Arlington Blvd) Contact: Rev. Dr. John Frederick
For many Christians, the concept of developing spiritual ‘disciplines’ is something that reeks of religious works-righteousness. And yet, the New Testament authors, the early church, and Jesus himself clearly exhort believers to actively pursue holiness. God works out the benefits of salvation in our inmost being as we actively pursue holiness through the grace-empowered practice of spiritual disciplines. For Anglicans, the treasure of the Book of Common Prayer provides us with an archive and an itinerary for authentic Anglican spiritual formation. But sometimes it can be overwhelming to follow a map without a guide; to engage in the practice of spiritual disciplines without the benefit of a spiritual director to get us started with the basics.
Join us in this five-week Lenten course led by the Rev. Dr. John Frederick, as we focus on five disciplines for spiritual growth: self-examination, bible reading, prayer, fasting, and charity. We’ll follow the instruction of Anglican luminary J.C. Ryle in his classic book Practical Religion (first published in 1878). The book is available here. No prior reading or study will be required, however. All are welcome to simply come enjoy the talks and engage in Q&A.
Register HERE.