Welcome to TFCA’s (The Falls Church Anglican) Youth Ministry! Please don’t hesitate to connect with our staff at studentmin@tfcanglican.org or call (571) 282-0301
Youth Group
On Sunday nights from 5:00 to 7:00pm, students in 6th through 12th grades will gather for a time of community, fun, worship, teaching, and a small group time with their Youth Family leaders! Small groups remain a permanent discipleship community throughout the year and are divided by grade and gender with at least two Youth Family leaders per group. A Youth Family leader is a volunteer who has been coached to be intentional about teaching, discipling, and walking through life with your student. Click here for more information and to register your student for the 2024-25 year of Youth Group activities.
Bible Breakfast
Want to go deeper? Great, we have an opportunity for that! We have discipleship groups called Bible Breakfasts where students dive deeply into Scripture and learn how to apply it to what is going on in their lives. We have a variety of times and locations, so email studentmin@tfcanglican.org to find out when and where groups are meeting this year. And if there is a group of students you know who does not have a Bible Breakfast close to their school, we will help find a place and a leader for them to meet.
Katie Toro
Administrative Assistant
(571) 282-0301
Marty O’Rourke Youth Ministry Director (571) 282-0300
Middle School Fusion | Summer 2025
Fusion is our weeklong summer camp for rising 6th-8th graders that aligns with our church’s goals of community, discipleship, and outreach. Over the course of the week, students are discipled by staff as they listen to gospel-centered talks as well by their high school small group leaders. Fusion is also a great opportunity of fun & engaging community as students have a chance to bond with their peers over really fun activities like going to an amusement park or the zoo or playing sports! Lastly, each year we incorporate one day dedicated to serving those in and outside our church community. Fusion is always a favorite memory for students that go through the youth ministry!
High school is a great opportunity for student’s to make their faith their own. Our confirmation class walks through the core values of Christianity and challenges students to dig into what they believe and why. Confirmation is typically for those who were baptized as infants and now want to make a profession of faith for themselves. After Confirmation, students become full members of the church with all rights in voting and running for vestry. Click here for more information about confirmation.
Other Events
We are always thinking of something fun and exciting to do. If you would like to be in the know, email studentmin@tfcanglican.org to get on the newsletter list.
ways to get involved
Interested in getting involved? Click here for more information about opportunities to serve.