“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.” - I Cor. 7:17

+ Baptism

Baptism is the sacrament by which we celebrate God’s redemption and adoption of us as his children. It is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace in a person’s life and relationship with God. It marks our spiritual birth and belonging into Christ’s Body, the Church, and union with Christ in his death and resurrection, forgiveness of sins, and new life in the Holy Spirit. These spiritual blessings are applied to us and come to fruition through faith in Jesus Christ.

Baptism for Children

Steps in the Baptism Process:

  • Attend the appropriate Baptism preparation class, based on age of child(ren).
    • Baptism Class for Parents of Young Children (Ages 0-5) Register Here
    • Sacramental Prep Class for Children (Elementary School)
    • Sacramental Prep Class for Youth (Middle School)
    • High School Confirmation Class
  • Complete a Clergy Interview: After you have submitted the intake form and attended class, a clergy or staff member will contact you to schedule this meeting.

  • Schedule a Baptism Service date: After clergy indicates that parents and/or child(ren) are sufficiently prepared for baptism, the Baptism Coordinator will contact you to schedule a baptism date.

  • Participate in rehearsal and service on your scheduled Baptism Sunday!

Note - Church Membership: If parents requesting baptism for their child(ren) are not yet members of The Falls Church Anglican, we ask that they commit to join the church by completing a Membership Form and attending the Adult Membership and Confirmation Course. However, their child(ren) may be baptized before parents complete all membership requirements.

Learn more about our practices and process for children here:
A Child's Pathway to the Sacraments

Baptism for Adults

Steps in the Baptism Process:

  • Register for baptism by submitting a completed Baptismal Intake Form to baptism@tfcanglican.org.

  • Attend the Adult Membership & Confirmation Course.

  • Complete a Clergy Interview: After you have submitted the intake form and completed the Membership & Confirmation Course, a clergy or staff member will contact you to schedule this meeting.

  • Schedule a Baptism Service date: After clergy indicates that you are ready for baptism, the Baptism Coordinator will contact you to schedule a baptism date.

  • Participate in rehearsal and service on your scheduled Baptism Sunday!

Questions? Contact baptism@tfcanglican.org or 571-282-0704.

+ Membership

We encourage all who consider The Falls Church Anglican to be their spiritual home to become official members of our church! Why become a member? Membership shows that you are committed to and in agreement with The Falls Church Anglican's mission, ministry and community. As a member you are eligible to:

  • participate more fully in our church community
  • serve in a variety of ministries
  • vote in local meetings and vestry elections

If you would like to attend our upcoming 4-week Membership and Confirmation class, beginning on Wednesday, February 5 at 7 p.m., please register here. This course is for adults who desire to make a deeper commitment to this body of Christ through membership, join the wider Anglican Communion through Confirmation, or simply want to learn more about The Falls Church Anglican: who we are, what we believe and what it means to be Anglican. Class participants are asked to complete a membership application, statement of faith and are invited to meet with a member of clergy or the vestry upon completion of the 4-week course.

Full participation in the Membership class also prepares you for our annual Confirmation service with Bishop Chris Warner, which will be held in the spring. During this service confirmands will be prayed for by the Bishop and welcomed formally into the Anglican church. Confirmed Members can stand for vestry as well as represent The Falls Church Anglican at regional, national, and global Anglican synods and assemblies.

Please note that we ask all adults seeking membership to provide sacramental information, including baptism and confirmation, as part of the application. If you have not been baptized, we can help you through that process before becoming a member of TFCA.

Whether at TFCA or elsewhere, we believe every individual Christian has an integral part to play in the life of a local church, and that it is within His church that Christ desires to form and bless us. We look forward to getting to know you through this process.

+ Confirmation

Confirmation is the means by which a person becomes a full member of the church. It is the ceremony whereby candidates confirm their commitment to Jesus and the promises made for them or by them in Baptism. During the Confirmation ceremony, the Bishop lays-on hands and prays for strengthening in the Christian life. The congregation joins in prayer for all the candidates.

Confirmation Classes are available to high school-aged students and adults. In the Confirmation Class candidates prayerfully study Biblical truths such as the Trinity, the Old Covenant, the Ten Commandments, Sin and Redemption, the New Covenant, the Creeds, the authority of the Holy Scriptures, the Church, Ministry, Prayer and Worship, the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion, and Christian Hope. Candidates for Confirmation who have not previously been prepared to receive Communion may do so during and after the Confirmation ceremony.

Contact Michael Weeks for all the details.



Stephanie Subu
Database Specialist and Membership Records
(571) 282-0125

Michael Weeks Associate Pastor for Discipleship (571) 282-0708