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Kick-Off Sunday!

  • The Falls Church Anglican 6565 Arlington Blvd, Suite 300 Falls Church, VA (map)

Date: September 11 Time: 6:30pm Location: Lower Narthex/Sanctuary

The local church is an embassy, its members citizens, of the Kingdom of God. We represent to one another, and to the kingdoms of this world, what life under Jesus’ rule looks like.

A quality marking this Kingdom is diakonia. It’s the Greek word often translated as “ministry,” but literally means “service.” It marked Jesus’ life - “the Son of Man came to serve” (Mark 10:45). It marks the Christian life - the saints’ work is “the work of diakonia—service” (Ephesians 4:12).

Ministry is serving—laboring to meet the physical and spiritual needs of others.

On Sunday, September 11, we will “kickoff” our new ministry year.

At the 9am and 11am services on September 11th, Sam will be preaching on the calling of the church that we find in Scripture.

After each of those services, we’ll have a Ministry Fair in the lower narthex. Come and find out how you can serve our body of Christ with your gifts!

Then, at 6:30pm that evening, join us for our Vision Night and ice cream social. Sam will be expanding on the vision and interviewing ministry leaders within our church. You won’t want to miss this special evening together – especially since we won’t be livestreaming it (a recording of the event will be available at a later date). So please plan to be there!

Childcare will be offered for children ages 0 - 5 from 6:30pm - 8pm in the Early Childhood Center. Register here

God equips us with gifts for serving. These gifts are as varied as encouraging, teaching, evangelizing, organizing, helping, building, healing, supporting, and more. When we use our gifts for building one another up, for witnessing to and serving the world, the church matures and grows, even “to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

I commend to you our sister Phoebe,” says Paul, “a servant of the church at Cenchreae” (Romans 16:1).

As we begin this new year in ministry together, may we find our call to service too!

Earlier Event: September 10
Youth Family Retreat