The Sermon on the Plain

The Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:17-49) is similar to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:27) in revealing what Christian belief looks like in Christian practice. Here is goodness made attractive, a lifestyle so countercultural it is as irresistible as challenging: “Love your enemies” (Luke 6:27), “Be merciful, even as your heavenly Father is merciful” (6:36), “take the log out of your own eye before you see the speak in your brother’s eye” (6:42).

Over the next several weeks we will sit as Jesus’ feet to hear him preach this sermon afresh, asking Him to fashion us into citizens of His Kingdom so that the quality of our lives may make the Gospel message only more compelling.

May 12, 2024 | The Blessed Life: Part 1

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Isaiah Brooms

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

June 16, 2024 | From Thorns in the Crown to Branches on the Vine

the Rev. Dr. John Frederick

June 23, 2024 | The Stability of Obedience

the Rev. Dr. Michael Weeks

God's Response to Abuse

We recently received the Investigation Report, which is posted on our website. We are grieved by its findings. We will need some time to process the report and to invite the Lord to help us heal.

To that end, Sam’s sermon series will be focused on a Biblical response to abuse. Sam will be careful with his language, but this sermon series will deal with the sensitive topic of abuse.

April 28, 2024

Sermon transcript

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson


April 21, 2024

Sermon transcript

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

He Who Wrestles with God: A Study of the Life of Jacob

In our sermon series this winter we study the life of Jacob found in Genesis 25-35. Known as the man who wrestled with God (Gen 32:22-32), his life is marked by striving and struggling. Born grasping his brother’s heel, he lies, cheats and steals to get what he wants. Less a model of virtue, Jacob first appears a tangled mess of passions and immaturity.

There are so many lessons to be learned from this complex man of God:

  1. God’s promises—from the salvation of the world to the hope of a family—depend, ultimately, not on our performance but his power.

  2. God is working in our lives at the very moments when he seems most absent.

  3. Though sin is not without consequence, God not only forgives, but can bring good out of our failings.

  4. God can reconcile people who formerly cheated and hated each other.

  5. When we are emptied of ourselves and our resources—like Jacob, alone at night by the ford of the Jabbok (Gen 32:22-24)—then the battle is won and the Lord has gained his victory over our lives.


the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

The Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Dr. John Frederick

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

Disciplines of Disciples

As we did in January 2023, we begin this new year by focusing on some Disciplines of Disciples – biblically-based, spiritually formative practices of the Christian faith. Last year, we focused on confessing, delighting, and waiting. (These sermons can be found below, along with this year’s sermons.)

This year, as we round the corner on our Philippians series, we’ll focus on three overarching spiritual disciplines that Paul  calls us to in his letter—prayer (Jan 7th), scripture (Jan 14th), and service (Jan 21st). Join us as we begin the New Year by heeding Paul’s Spirit-inspired exhortation to “practice these things” (Phil. 4:9) with the promise that, if we do, we will experience “the peace of God that surpasses understanding” (Phil. 4:7).

the Rev. Dr. Michael Weeks

the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson

the Rev. John Frederick

January 22, 2023

the Rev. John Frederick

January 15, 2023

the Rev. Sam Ferguson

January 8, 2023

the Rev. John Frederick