Our Vacation Bible School that happened virtually on July 6-10, is now available!
Contact Anne with questions, photos or videos of their at home experience (afitzpatrick@tfcanglican.org).
Day 1
Memory Verse: “God answered, ‘I will be with you.’” Exodus 3:12
Theme: God is with us, so trust God
If you had to leave your house quickly, what would you bring and why?
Who do you want to have with you when you travel?
Have you had a time when you were especially glad that God is with you?
I wonder why God showed he was with the Israelites both during the day-with a cloud, and at night with a pillar of fire?
Day 2
Memory Verse: “For your Father knows exactly what you need, even before you ask him.” Matthew 6:8
Theme: God gives us what we need, so trust God
What are some good things that God has given to you/to us?
I wonder why some Israelites gathered more than they needed during the week days instead of obeying Moses command?
Why are whining and complaining a sin against God?
Day 3
Memory Verse: “For I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
Theme: God gives us strength, so trust God
What do you need strength for?
When has someone given you strength?
What does it mean to have strength?
Day 4
Memory Verse: “For I am with you, and will save you says the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:11
Theme: God saves us, so trust God
What were the Israelites doing in Egypt?
What did the Israelites have to do on the night that the angel passed over the land?
Tell about Jesus, the Lamb of God, who rescues from sin.
Day 5
Memory Verse: “I will bless the Lord who guides me.” Psalm 16:7
Theme: God guides us, so trust God
Do you remember the name for the rules that God gave to Moses and the Israelites?
What are some traps that Moses talked about?
What would it be like if we did not have these rules from God?