Walking with Christ as He Carries His Cross

Walk slowly the Via Dolorosa (“Sorrowful Way”), for it can change you. This ancient road, winding through Old City Jerusalem, marks Jesus’ final steps as he walked to his crucifixion, bearing the cross, insults, and our sin. From as early as the 6th century pilgrims followed the Way of the Cross, remembering events from that day where they likely took place. This local tradition inspired the wider devotional practice known as The Stations of the Cross, which uses Bible passages and vivid images to draw worshipers from around the world into that frightful and most holy afternoon in Jerusalem.

As a church family, we want to walk the Via Dolorosa together during Holy Week. We’ll do so by meditating upon twelve moments from that holy afternoon, journeying with Jesus from his trial before Pilate to crucifixion at Golgotha. For six days, two stations a day are posted on the Falls Church Anglican website, one in the morning and one in the evening. Each “virtual station” includes Scripture to recall the scene, artwork to draw us deeper into the moment, and a short reflection and prayer and song. 

How to Participate

Set aside 15–30 minutes in the morning and again in the evening (if you can only manage 5–10, that’s okay, too). Find each morning’s/evening’s station by clicking on the image below that corresponds to the station and date. Read the scripture and reflection, and ask the Holy Spirit to draw you deeper into this moment in Jesus’ life. Reflect for some time on the artwork, allowing it to help draw you into what the moment may have been like for Jesus. Talk to Jesus. Ask him how this felt, why he went through it. Ask him what this “station” in his life has to do with you and your life. Thank Jesus for walking the way of the cross for you. Conclude your time with the prayer and song at the bottom of the page. 


1. Jesus Condemned by Pilate (Luke 23:18–25)
2. Jesus Scourged and Mocked (John 19:1–3; Matthew 27:27–31)
3. Jesus Takes Up His Cross (John 19:16–17)
4. Simon of Cyrene Carries Jesus’ Cross (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26)
5. Jesus Warns the Lamenting Women (Luke 23:27–31)
6. Jesus Nailed to the Cross (Luke 23:32–33)
7. Soldiers Cast Lots for Jesus’ Clothing (Luke 23:33–35; John 19:23–24)
8. Jesus Promises the Kingdom to the Thief (Luke 23:39–43)
9. Jesus Addresses His Mother and Beloved Disciple (John 19:25–27)
10. Jesus Cries Out to His Father (Matthew 27:45–46)
11. Jesus Finishes His Work and Breathes His Last (John 19:28–30)
12. Jesus Laid in the Tomb (Matthew 27:57–61)

* These stations have been prepared by Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson (Rector, Falls Church Anglican), Rev. Dr. James Ferguson (Priest-in-Charge, St. George’s Anglican).

Click on the images below to read the devotions.

Monday Morning and Evening

Tuesday • Morning and Evening

Wednesday • Morning and Evening

Thursday • Morning and Evening

Friday • Morning and Evening

Saturday • Morning and Evening