This weekend’s songs include You Deserve It, Crown Him with Many Crowns, Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me, You Deserve It, We Give You Thanks, How Can It Be, and Raise a Hallelujah.
July 14
This weekend’s songs include The Way, Firm Foundation, May the Peoples Praise You (Psalm 67), Be Thou My Vision, Lord I Need You, Doxology, To Him Who is Able.
July 7
This weekend’s songs include O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing), Our God Is Love, Raise a Hallelujah, Be Thou My Vision, Sanctus (Hosanna to the King), I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me.
June 30
This weekend’s songs include A Mighty Fortress is Our God, This is Amazing Grace, Blessed Be Your Name, Psalm 27 (One Thing Have I Asked), Raise A Hallelujah, We Will Feast in the House of Zion.
June 23
This weekend’s songs include What A Beautiful Name, I Stand Amazed, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, Lord of Lords, Doxology and Name Above All Names.
June 15-16
This weekend’s songs include O Worship the King, Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me, Psalm 116 (The LORD Delivered My Soul, Great Are You Lord, Cornerstone, and The Lion and the Lamb.
June 8-9
This weekend’s songs include Tell Out My Soul, Let Us Break Bread Together, Build My Life, My Hallelujah, Psalm 27 (One Thing I Have Asked), Let It Rise and Holy Spirit.
June 1-2
This weekend’s songs include The Church Is One Foundation, May the Peoples Praise You (Psalm 67), Name Above All Names, Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, Psalm 27 (One Thing), and Let Your Kingdom Come.
May 25-26
This weekend’s songs include The Strife is O’er, Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, How Great is Your Faithfulness, Faithful One, Great is Thy Faithfulness, The Lord’s Prayer, The First Song of Isaiah, Is He Worthy and Crown Him with Many Crowns.
May 18-19
This weekend’s songs include Your Great Name We Praise (Immortal Invisible), Holy Is the Lord, Before the Throne of God Above, I Want to Walk As a Child of the Light, You Deserve It, Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, and Sails.
May 11-12
This weekend’s songs include Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, I Exalt Thee, All to Us, What A Beautiful Name, New Wine, and Jesus Take All of Me (Just As I Am).
May 4-5
This weekend’s songs include All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, O Church Arise, Doxology (Easter Hymn), Sanctus (Hosanna to the King), and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).
April 27-28
This weekend’s songs include Crown Him With Many Crowns, Psalm 27 (One Thing I Have Asked) , Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, You Are Good, What A Beautiful Name, and more.
Holy Week, April 18-21
April 13-14
April 6-7
We sang Trisagion, May the Peoples Praise You (Psalm 67), Jesus Messiah, Psalm 27 (One Thing), and more.
March 30-31
March 23-24
We sang Praise to the Lord the Almighty, Behold our God, Take My Life and We Give You Thanks, among others.
March 16-17
We sang Come Thou Fount, Trisagion, Lord I Need You, Jesus Son of God, By Thy Mercy, Psalm 42 (My Soul Longs), Doxology, Love Divine All Loves Excelling (Abbots Leigh).
March 9-10
We sang The Stand, Strong God, O Worship the King, Trisagion, Firm Foundation, and This is My Father’s World.