Date: April 24th and May 3rd Time: 11am - 12:20pm Location: Learning Center Room 112 Contact: Cheryl McKeon (571) 282 - 0401
"In Holy Baptism, the outward and visible sign is water, in which candidates are baptized ’in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matt. 28:19). The inward and spiritual grace is death to sin and new birth to righteousness, through the union with Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-11)." Book of Common Prayer
Like Jesus, we welcome all children to come to him. As one of the church’s Sacraments, baptism requires the participants or parent sponsors "to be instructed in the meaning of Baptism and the Christian faith." (Book of Common Prayer) Therefore, attending this Baptism class is required for both parents.
Childcare will be provided, with children in our regular Sunday School classrooms.