Holy Week and Easter 2025


Holy week Services

  • Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and marks the beginning of Holy Week, during which we remember suffering and death on a cross for our redemption. We have three services on Palm Sunday: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., and 11 a.m.

    9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Livestreamed

  • A Maundy Thursday service honoring when Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples. This service has Holy Communion.


  • 12 p.m.: A Good Friday service remembering the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

    7 p.m.: A Tenebrae Service remembering the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified through Scripture readings and extinguishing of candles. Livestreamed

    Register for 7 p.m. childcare here.

Easter Services | Sunday, April 20

  • A Sunrise Easter Service with a traditional Said service of Holy Communion. The service will be held on the 6th floor of the parking garage, which is next to our office building at 6565 Arlington Boulevard, Falls Church, VA.

  • A Holy Communion service celebrating Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Our service is also webcast live from the church on Arlington Boulevard near Seven Corners.  If you miss the live webcast, the video will be available for repeat viewing on our website.

    Register for childcare here.

  • A Holy Communion service celebrating Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Our service is also webcast live from the church on Arlington Boulevard near Seven Corners.  If you miss the live webcast, the video will be available for repeat viewing on our website.

    Register for childcare here.