Stella Butala
Stella Butala, who serves as The Falls Church Anglican’s Administrative Assistant for Children and Family, led those who attended the Women’s Advent Fellowship on December 6 in a closing prayer. “When we wait for God, we wait; let’s not rush Him to work right in this moment,” she encouraged, based on Ecclesiastes 3:11: “The Lord makes everything beautiful in its time.” The following verses are Scriptural items the Lord brought to Stella’s mind, inspired from Luke chapter 1:
For family reconciliation, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. (Luke 1:17)
For those waiting for a long unanswered prayer. (Luke 1:7)
For children to be a joy and delight. (Luke 1:14)
For increasing hunger and righteousness before God. (Luke 1:6)
For fear to be removed and replaced by a sound mind (Luke 1:12-13)
For growth in faith and knowledge of God’s generosity. (Luke 1:19-20)
For true worship. (Luke 1:46-56)
As we’re waiting on God, here are some ways that we can examine ourselves through confession as we pray:
For submission and love between husbands and wives.
To honor those in authority.
To recognize areas where we need healing, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically.
To recognize any areas of pride, selfishness, and hatred.
For prodigals to return to our Father.