The reverend extraordinaire Nicholas Lubelfeld is our resident sage on all things theology, especially when it comes to the Anglican tradition. As is his common way, Nicholas helps us lean into the season with tender hearts and endearing humility. In total there are 14 episodes below… so watch the series if you’d like. Watch them on Vimeo if it’s easier.
A little boy in Detroit
It's getting dark earlier
With Jesus, there are 12 days
We don't know what season Jesus was born
There is a dual focus to the season
A third coming of Christ
He’s coming; get ready
If you have a dinner party, clean the house
Mapping out the Sundays
Yuletide spirit?
What to do for devotions during the season
It’s a way to listen
Offload the things that don’t matter
Do you want some hymns?
Taking us through to church calendar