Neighborhood/Global Engagement Coordinator, Maralee Gutierrez, counts on her "Warehouse Team" to help lead over 150 volunteers who inventory, stock, and deliver food to families each week.
I called Veronica to make sure she was home before I started unloading all the groceries from my car. We met in the parking lot next to her apartment complex so she could help carry in the grocery bags. (Veronica was receiving a special delivery for families with COVID-19). Maria, a staff person from the local elementary school had referred me to her.
Veronica and I spent a few minutes chatting outside by my car once the last of the provisions were given to her. As we finished up, she clasped her hands together, looked upward, and said, “I thank God for you! You were sent by God just in time! I know God cares for us. I was telling Ms. Maria that you came at just the right time. After today, I was not sure where our food would come from ... God sent you.”
Then she prayed as her mask covered her words, “I ask God that he continue to give you the strength and the health you need to keep helping people. And that he protects you ...” I stood quietly. This mother of two, whose husband had COVID-19, would not stop repeating these words. “God sent you. Thank you ... You were sent by God.”
As I drove off, her words kept ringing in my ears, “sent by God.” I prayed and thanked the Lord. Yes God, I was sent by you; we were sent by you. I was grateful and found myself overcome with emotion remembering the face of a woman who had her prayers answered through the food I was gratefully able to bring her family today. Veronica’s words reminded me about God’s sovereignty and God’s provision, something, I believe, she understands more than I do.
For the past six weeks, in partnership with the Chinese Christian Church and Comunidad, I’ve had the privilege of leading our efforts to provide food, household goods, and specialty items for families in need. This has been possible thanks to the generosity of many, our incredible “Warehouse Team” and volunteer shift supervisors who we rely on week in and week out.
Every week, we have over 150 volunteers who support this effort. Thanks to their hard work and your generosity to The Falls Church Anglican and our partners, we have delivered food to over 800 homes. If the average family size is four, that’s 3,200 people. Our tireless volunteers have inventoried, stocked, and delivered over 25,000 pounds of food and household goods to individuals and families like Veronica’s who need food today. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who makes this important work a reality.
Perhaps like you, I find myself with more questions than answers these days. Although I don’t think we will find answers to all of our questions, I take heart and courage in knowing that the simple acts we are sent to do make a difference. Many simple acts add up to making an enormous difference.
For a moment, think with me of the simple bag of rice a friend buys, which is dropped off at our 3-6 Drive-thru Food Drive, inventoried by a volunteer and shelved. Within a day or two, this rice is put in a bag with beans, pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, and several other provisions that will be sent to a family in need. The bag of rice will sit waiting until Saturday, the day a volunteer driver will show up, sanitize accordingly, and put the rice, along with all the other provisions, in his car. The driver is then given an address and sent to deliver food. The rice and provisions are received with great relief and joy. These many simple acts make an enormous difference—no question.
In this season of heightened distress, I need simplicity. And that day, Veronica’s words were simple: God sent you. I was gratefully reminded that, yes, we are all sent. “Sent” to call a family member or friend with a word of encouragement, “sent” to a life overseas, “sent” to a ministry at home, “sent” to a working life of travel, “sent” to college or maybe a new school environment, “sent” to support aging parents or maybe support children who find their way back home unexpectedly, and so on. Every day we are agents of God sent to do his work. Let us seek to model him and live out Christ’s words said to his disciples (John 4:34), “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” Thank you, Veronica, for putting it all in perspective.
Maralee Gutierrez serves as our Neighborhood and Global Engagement Coordinator. She has worked in the nonprofit sector for more than 20 years on initiatives which increase the visibility of vulnerable communities. Fluent in three languages, she has lived in four different countries, across three continents. To learn more about her work with Comunidad, click here.