Getting to Know The Falls Church Anglican: Rebecca Larson

We want to take the opportunity to get to know some of the members of our congregation and staff who serve in different ways. This month we are featuring Rebecca Larson, our Children and Family Ministries Director.

Although Rebecca is relatively new to this position, she has served at TFCA for several years as the Elementary Ministry Coordinator. Prior to that she served on another church staff in children’s ministry.

Rebecca describes being raised by amazing Christian parents in a military family. She spent her childhood living all over the US, and then overseas during high school. It was in 9th grade on a ski trip in Austria when she came to personal understanding and faith.

In a small group setting at a Christian conference center, a young woman shared a moving story about a father’s sacrifice and gift. It was the first time Rebecca says she grasped both the infinite worth, yet un-earnable nature of salvation. After moving back to the U.S., she attended college in North Carolina and graduate school here in D.C. at Georgetown. Rebecca has worked in a variety of roles including at MTV Networks, and doing consumer and business research for the International CES. She then found her true calling in ministry. This year marks her tenth year working on staff at a church. She would happily work in ministry for 50 more!

Rebecca and her husband, Erik, met at a summertime Bible study during college.They now have four children who are flourishing. They feel blessed to have lots of family (including their parents) here in the DC area.

Discipling our Children in the Love and Knowledge of Christ

To put it simply, Rebecca believes she has the best job at TFCA! She directs the Children and Family Ministries (CFM). Her hope, in partnership with the staff and volunteers, is to foster foundational faith for the children at TFCA and equip their parents to do the same. CFM strives to impart a holistic understanding of the Bible as one big story. Through critical thinking skills and catechesis the faith of our children will grow alongside their minds, along with a sense that the Christian faith is a coherent framework for understanding life and existing with purpose. As a mother herself, she approaches this endeavor with the sincerity and seriousness the task demands.

Some of Rebecca’s favorite moments serving in children’s ministry are when she gets to hear children share their insights about God. Once the kindergartners were learning how God’s creation tells us things about His nature, specifically what animals might tell us about God. When they got to the owl – a young boy emphatically shared, “He’s telling us he’s awake at night.” So true! Praise God for always caring for us all.

When Rebecca looks back as an adult, she is amazed at the life skills and knowledge she gained by being involved in church life—from geography, to multi-cultural awareness, and relationships. The church has given her so much. In Rebecca’s words “It’s truly an honor to give back and pass the true faith along to the next generation.”