The LIfe of Abraham
On Sunday, January 29th, we return to the book of Genesis for our new sermon series, The Life of Abraham: Genesis 12-22. Last winter we considered our beginnings in Genesis 1-11, finding that though life originates in glory, things descend swiftly into sin and chaos. This winter we turn to God’s mission to reclaim his corrupted creation. It’s a project that takes form through the family of a man from Mesopotamia, Abraham.
Themes of calling, mission, and faith emerge in Abraham’s life and become the fabric of the rest of Scripture. In Abraham’s calling, we can hear God’s call to us. By Abraham’s example, we meet the way of faith. Most importantly, through Abraham we are pointed to Jesus. Abraham’s seed, through whom God’s blessings pour forth to all the world, is Jesus Christ (Gal 3:16; Rom 4:17). Therefore, through Abraham God begins applying the balm of salvation to a wicked and weary world: by faith, not perfection, we can be reconciled to God.
Calling, mission, faith—and promises that come true only in Jesus— these are the themes of Abraham’s life. And they must become the fabric of ours.
January 29, 2023: Abraham and The Call of God
February 5, 2023: Abraham and The Mission of God
February 12, 2023: Abraham and The Steps of Faith
February 26, 2023: Abraham and The Reassurance of Faith
March 5, 2023: A Good and Hard Covenant
March 12, 2023: The Cost of Compromise
March 19, 2023: God Gets the Last Laugh
March 26, 2023: God Tests Abraham to Prove He Provides
February 19, 2023: Giving Up Ourselves for Lent
Series Sermons
Sunday, March 26, 2023
The Rev. Sam Ferguson
March 19, 2023
the Rev. John Frederick
March 12, 2023
the Rev. Sam Ferguson
MARCH 5, 2023
the Rev. Sam Ferguson
FEBRUARY 26, 2023
the Rev. Sam Ferguson
FEBRUARY 12, 2023
the Rev. Sam Ferguson
FEBRUARY 5, 2023
the Rev. Sam Ferguson
January 29, 2023
the Rev. Sam Ferguson