Atheist philosopher Frederick Nietzsche was right, “If you know your why, you can handle almost any how.” But if we’re blips between the Big Bang and sun’s burnout, it’s hard to see real purpose beneath our strivings. In the end, life’s meaningless. So live your best life now. Do you. Atheism cannot give us a why.
Jesus, however, can. At the close of his earthly ministry, he tells his followers, “As the Father sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). To be a Christian, then, is to be sent—by Jesus into God’s Mission in this world. Nothing’s accidental. No person’s unintended. No life’s meaningless.
In our sermon series, Sent: Ambassadors of Christ on Mission for God, we’ll discover our why by learning what Jesus sends us to do. He has specific tasks for us—as individuals and as a church—, tasks involving profound new realities: New Life, a New People, and a New Kingdom.
New Life: John 3:1-18
Jesus taught that people must be “born again” (Jn 3:3), therefore our mission involves offering life.
Missional Method: Evangelism
New People: John 15:1-17
Jesus taught that people will see him when they see us (Jn 13:35), therefore our mission involves a quality of life that points to Jesus.
Missional Method: Holiness
New Kingdom: John 18:33-38
Jesus said he came as a king, but his kingdom is not of this world (Jn 18:33-37), therefore in our callings and vocations we’re ambassadors for God’s kingdom, more so than for the kingdoms of this world.
Missional Method: Kingdom Presence
sunday, October 29, 2023
the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson
the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson
Sunday, October 15, 2023
the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson
the Rev. Dr. Sam Ferguson