Kenny Cheung: Walking with Christ on Earth

I didn't grow up in a Christian home and I only came to know Christ in my mid-late teens. The message of Christ and a very counter-cultural aspect of "God became man as a child" didn't really make sense. During Christmas when I was growing up until when I was in my late teens and my college years, I started to understand actually what the Gospel was about and the whole revelation of what Christmas actually centrally is for and the saving grace of Christ and the message that the Good News he brought was something that, of course, changed my view of what Christmas is to be and therefore also changed my own personal family tradition as a result.

One experience that really brought to life about the incarnation of Christ is a friend of mine that stuck with my walk as a young Christian. He's very humbling but faithful and also an aspect of care for my spiritual maturity was something that really brought to life to me, just like Christ came down and became man so that we can relate to him. And Richard was a friend that I could really relate to. However, the difference between him and me was the fact that he has got Christ in his life. As a young Christian, seeing how that is so transformative was really something that I can see what it would be like 2000 years ago to be walking along with Christ on earth together.