This dance between men and women is most vividly on display in marriage, and in the ensuing makeup of the home. You may find it a relief to learn that even in the first century Mediterranean world, even in Paul’s little churches, men and women needed lots of advice for how to make marriages, and the household relationships that ensued, work.
Oneself in Another (Col. 2:8-15, 3:1-4)
Error and Its Remedy (Col. 2:1-9, 16-23)
Growing as Christians (Col. 2:16-19)
Our goal - individually and corporately - is to grow spiritually into the character and likeness of Jesus. This is the work he began in us. This is the work he will see to completion (Philippians 1:6). To accomplish this goal, we are going to focus on four words or phrases in this text. Judge, disqualify, hold fast and grow…
Suffering in These Bodies (Col. 1:24-29)
As we continue our summer series in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we have the opportunity to pause on one of the strangest and more confusing verses in the New Testament. And as initially shocking as this verse is, when we truly understand it, what God is saying through Paul can send our own spiritual lives to another level…