Seek, Follow, Worship (Matt. 2:1-12)

Discussion Questions

Passage • The Visit of the Wise Men from Matthew’s Gospel is a familiar story. Yet when we step back and look at it, we recognize it as a remarkable journey of faith. It is a journey that begins with seeking. It is a journey of following. It is a journey that ends with worshipping Jesus, the newborn king of the Jews.

Reflection • As you consider the year ahead, where are you in your story? Consider the following questions. What are the present circumstances of your life? Where are you in your relationship with the Lord? What is the longing of your heart? Where are you in your journey of faith?

Theme • The visit of the wise men teaches us something about a journey of faith - seeking the Lord, following him, and worshipping him, the King.

Context • Who were these men? They were men “whose practices included astrology, dream interpretation, study of sacred writings, the pursuit of wisdom …”* and they were perhaps the counselors of a royal court. They were Gentiles most likely from Babylon. We do not know how many there were. We only know there was more than one. Some scholars think a company or group of them made the journey.

They knew something of the accounts and prophecies of the Israelites. They may have learned this during the Exile when the Israelites were captive in Babylon. For example, they may have been familiar with this prophecy from Numbers 24:17, “A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth.”


  1. SEEK: What or who were the wise men seeking? Why? (See Matthew 2:2.) What did Jesus say about seeking? (See Matthew 7:7.) How does their seeking challenge or inform your journey of faith?

  2. FOLLOW: What do the wise men do to find what or whom they were looking for? What did this journey of faith require of them? What did they follow? Now consider your journey of faith. What might it require of you to encounter the Lord? Do you feel called or led in a particular direction? What instructs and guides you? What or whom do you follow?

  3. WORSHIP: What or whom do the wise men worship? How do they worship? How does their story of worship inform yours? How does Paul instruct the Romans to worship? (See Romans 12:1-2). How would you define worship? What are your treasures? 

*Wise Men - Global Study Bible, ESV