Come to Me, Rest — The Falls Church Anglican

Come to Me, Rest

Notes for Oct. 27-28, 2018
Matthew 11:25-30

Biblical Background

  • The wise and understanding vs. the little children: Jesus is echoing the Old Testament teaching on wisdom which begins with “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7) and “the beginning of wisdom,” (Psalm 111:10). It is not those who have become wise in their own eyes, but those to whom God has revealed His truth that have wisdom. Thus, one must approach God as a little child does his parents in order to learn knowledge and gain wisdom.

  • Rest to the weary: Jesus offers a rest beyond anything other teachers could promise. He provides the kind of refreshment described in Isaiah 40:28-31. True Sabbath rest which restores the soul and rejuvenates a weary.

  • The yoke: The yoke was a symbol of obedience in Judaism to the law of God. It was a heavy load which ultimately no one could carry. In contrast, Jesus offers a yoke that is easy to carry (through his grace). Jesus’ teaching is in contrast to the heavy-handedness of the Pharisees who through legalism weighed the people down.

  • Gentle and lowly in heart: Meekness is the ability to know one’s self, yet remain in a position of humility with strength – much like a powerful stallion who is able to control his power to carry a child.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is the good news of Jesus Christ hidden from those with “wisdom and understanding”?

  2. Why does God reveal things to “children”? What does this mean?

  3. What can hinder us from understanding God’s wisdom and understanding today?

  4. Who are the “wise and understanding” in our world today that people turn to who may not understand the things of God?

  5. What does it mean that it was “God’s good pleasure,” to do something?

  6. What is the relationship between God the Father and God the Son? Describe it in detail.

  7. Why is it important to understand this relationship in the Trinity?

  8. What does it mean to be weary, burdened and heavy laden in this context?

  9. Who was laying burdens upon the people?

  10. Who places heavy burdens on you to carry?

  11. What does Jesus mean when He tells us to take up His yoke?

  12. How does a yoke work? How could it be made easy and light?

  13. How does a yoke uniting two animals together work to make the work easier? How might this apply to Christian discipleship?

  14. What does it mean that Jesus is gentle and lowly in heart? Why would this be a good thing for you?
