His Gentle and Lowly Heart

His Gentle and Lowly Heart

As Christians, we believe that our faith is far more than a set of ideas. We believe it is a heart connection, that it has this effective center where our hearts come into contact with the eternal and the glorious heart of God. We also believe as people living through this current season that our hearts can grow weary and cold, and it is only under this great heart that they are finally renewed and reshaped. So our heart connected to his, that's what we're after.

The Heart According to Scripture

The Heart According to Scripture

The past year has been hard on our hearts. At least this is what I see when I talk to many of you and when I think about myself. And so I want us to take some time as we close the season Epiphany in the next two or three weeks and as we moved through the season of lent, I want us to take some time to work on our hearts. The main way we will approach this is by putting our hearts before God's heart.