This is a series given January-April 2019. Frequently Jesus coupled words of warnings along with wonderful promises in his teaching. We are quick to reach for the promises but often tend to pay less attention to the warnings. For instance, Jesus warned that “In this world you will face trouble,” but then he affirmed this great promise, “but take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) During the winter season we will look at several examples in which Jesus brought together words of great promise with words of warnings and we will seek to better understand how the one relates to the other and how together they can change our lives.
The Rev. John Yates
The Rev. Bill Haley
The Rev. Will Shafferman
The Rev. Sam Ferguson
Sermon Excerpts
The promises and warnings about living a fruitful life.
The promises and warnings about heaven.
The promises and warnings about the Holy Spirit.
The promise and warning about unity and oneness.