Who cannot feel the contrast between the glory of spring all around us, and the unseen darkness that daily fills the airwaves? As I opened my journal this morning there was written one of these little journal notes: “I am grateful for” and then space to fill in my answer. At nearly the same moment, one of the moms with whom I meet along with several others texted us all. She began her text with “4 reasons I’m grateful today…” and soon others joined in. How wonderful to share in the gratefulness of others. How light-bearing it is. It lifted my spirit immediately and caused me to think of things I am grateful for.
This is not to say that we don’t share our struggles and our downtimes, but how good it is to also lift up one another by sharing gratefulness. Gratitude pleases the heart of our Father. He deserves it, and while giving us all good things even when we are not grateful—for He sends His rain on the evil and the good—it is to our good to express gratitude at all times and in all situations. I am thankful to these young moms for getting me off to a wonderful start this morning.
Which leads me to the answer I wrote in my journal. Surprising to me was that the first thought which came to mind was, “I am grateful for the company of saints who have gone before us and even now cheer us on”! I am beginning to study Hebrews but was not yet up to Hebrews 12:1-2. And, I thought, what does this have to do with Psalm 23:4, which was to be my next devotional thought?
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.”
Jesus as the Good Shepherd from the early Christian catacomb of Domitilla/Domatilla (Crypt of Lucina, 200-300 AD).
They tie together in this way. The “Valley of the Shadow of Death” is often linked to the time when we die—the Shepherd will be with us. This is true of course. But, we walk through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” every day. This world is shadowed by death. Thankfully it is a shadow, but it is real. All that goes wrong in this world, including the present pandemic, is a result of the curse of death which came upon the world when mankind sinned. Psalm 23 assures us that our Shepherd is here with us, bringing us back to himself by his rod when needed, guiding us with his staff in all that we need for living. The uncertainties of life, never more real, are part of the Valley. The Shepherd walks with us.
So what has this to do with Hebrews 12:1-2? The host of witnesses cheering us on all walked through this Valley of the Shadow of Death at one time. Some of their stories are in Hebrews 11. They have walked where we are walking, and they know that what we are experiencing is a real trial to our faith! They are cheering us on, encouraging us to not give up, to believe that the promises of God are sure and trustworthy. They have gone before, but they haven’t forgotten us.
I love to think of these godly saints in the grandstands as we do our walk through the Valley. I picture them saying, “Keep believing, don’t turn back, live in the moment with no fear about the future. We didn’t get to see even as much as you have seen in the revealed Christ. The ultimate prize will be won. Keep on.”
This is a season of light, a season of darkness, but the darkness will never overcome the light. Cheer us on faithful saints! Thank you, good Shepherd, that you walk with us.
Esther Powell has been a member of The Falls Church (Anglican) for 41 years. She and Charlie have worked in education and missions in the U.S.A., Europe, and Asia. Esther serves on our staff as our Elementary Ministry Coordinator. Visit our Children’s page and find helpful links at the top about what our Children’s Ministry is up to during Holy Week, including providing kits with Easter crafts and free family devotionals.