Lifting High the Cross


Our New Home (2019-Present)

“During the months leading up to the opening of our new sanctuary, we had the privilege of praying for our construction crews and watching first the parking structure and then the sanctuary rise from the ground. We had a moving worship service for the ground-breaking for the new sanctuary. In reflection of our new neighborhood and calling to minister in our new neighborhood, the service opened with a parade of flags carried by parishioners who had been born in another country. There were many nations represented.

We had another gathering when the steeple and cross were lifted into place atop our new sanctuary. It was a profoundly moving scene. Many have commented about cresting the hill on Route 50 from either direction and seeing that cross lifted high. To God be the glory!

On May 29, 2019, Bishop John Guernsey, installed Sam Ferguson as our new rector. It was a profoundly moving service. The night before, we said farewell to John and Susan Yates as John retired as rector after 40 years of ministry in service of celebration. After a year of sabbatical and travel, they have returned as members of our congregation.

Our new sanctuary was consecrated by Bishop John Guernsey on September 8, 2019, after our seven-year sojourn in the wilderness. Two services were held with around 1,000 people attending each service. The pews were full, and some attendees were sitting in folding chairs and standing for these services. The services were full of joy and gratitude. We were home.”

—Member of the Personal History Writing Group