Wandering in the Wilderness

Tabernacling Years (2012-2018)

“With a little help from our friends and the kindness of strangers, we managed quite well in this transition period. Several churches provided space for worship and other activities. Large services were held in Bishop O’Connell Auditorium. Columbia Baptist Church was home for the 8 a.m. Sunday service for a couple of years. [Pastor] Nicholas’ Bible class also met there. Columbia Baptist charged us nothing at all even though our use of heat, air conditioning, lights, and water increased their costs. St. Mary’s Orthodox Church allowed us to use their facilities for Body & Soul, our exercise class which is church sponsored. We also met for Sunday services in the Chapel at Rivendell School in Arlington. We remained on good terms with The Falls Church Episcopal and held several funerals in The Historic Church.

During the seven years I wandered in the wilderness with the other church members, I had a place to worship every Sunday, a place where the roof did not leak and with heat or air conditioning as needed. During the week I always had a place to go for my exercise class, for Nicholas’ Bible class, and for the writing group. The people make up the body of Christ, not the building. I am amazed at how well our church members were provided for during this transition period. We have plans going forward to settle into our new community and welcome our new neighbors. Our church is changing to meet new needs in our new location.”

—Caryl Engler