The reverend extraordinaire Nicholas Lubelfeld is our resident sage on all things theology, especially when it comes to the Anglican tradition. As is his common way, Nicholas helps us lean into the season with tender hearts and endearing humility.
It's really nice, if you feel like someone has something to say to you, to be quiet for a minute and listen. Advent's a way of doing that. And you do that by listening to the Scriptures of the season. So pray the collect. Don't take my word for it. Try it yourself, and see that it doesn't do something to you. Pray that collect. It's found in the prayer book - Collect for the First Sunday of Advent. Pray that collect, and read through or sing the hymns of Advent, which set forth beautifully, in poetic language, the themes of this season. And read the passages from Isaiah, which are some of the canticles, or songs, of the church. For example, Isaiah 9, "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light," or Isaiah 55, "Seek the Lord while He wills to be found. Call upon Him when he draws near." Or the canticle from Isaiah chapter 60, in which we sing, "Rise, shine, for your light has dawned upon you."
Read the canticles in St. Luke's gospel. In chapter one, the canticle of Mary. "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God, my savior." And read about these wonderful three great prophetic reversals in which God takes the mighty and casts them down from their seat and exalts the humble and meek. The rich he sends away empty, but the hungry He fills with good things. And see how this prophetic work of the kingdom, which rights what is wrong and upsets what is wrong and does justice in the world by God's power is embodied in the ministry of Jesus. You can just imagine him taking this kind of singing heart of his mother along with the milk with which she nourished him on her bosom when He was a little infant, and this is the spiritual milk that He was getting. And so you can see these themes all through His ministry.
“I remember my boss when I was a new curate, asked me if I believed in the Yuletide spirit. And I said, "What's the Yuletide spirit?" He said, "Well, you know, there's a Christian celebration of Christmas, but there's also a secular celebration of Goodwill and presents…”